French Pasteboards

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Author: Bernard Bilis
63 pages
Plastic comb bound
Published in 1980

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Author: Bernard Bilis
63 pages
Plastic comb bound
Published in 1980

Author: Bernard Bilis
63 pages
Plastic comb bound
Published in 1980


Way back in 1976, when I first met Bernard Bilis in France, he was a little known close-up magician and in my Introduction I predicted great things for him. Needless to say, Bernard did not let me down. Today his name is known throughout the magic world. The fifteen items in this, his first book, range from useful utility moves (The Bilis Spread) to clever new versions of classic effects (Open Travelers Again) and exciting original ideas (The Torn Card). His coin effects include Another Matrix and Touchless Copper/Silver Transposition. If you haven't looked in this book for awhile, you're due for another look.